Ideas, proposals and bug reports for New Working Methods


Merged idea / bug report

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit NWM-I-162 Sharing a document/variant/feedback comments with limited set of colleagues before making public.

Sharing Variants - how to handle groups Merged

Our EOL account system doesn’t know the concept of group. To belong to a TB, you simply have to be on the e-mail list for that TB. All members have full access rights to all TB work, and read-only access to all ISG documents. (OK, there are groups or grouped access rights, e.g. for ISGs. But not for TBs). So by definition, today when you contribute a document to an ETSI meeting, you share with all. Only those registered to the meeting (i.e. having expressed an interest) are notified, however.

We need to take this into account when considering the ‘share’ function.

  • Guest
  • Feb 19 2020
  • Planned
  • Admin
    Ultan Mulligan commented
    3 Oct, 2020 05:37pm

    Consider also adding support for a 'Team concept'. Allow a user to create his own 'Team' by simply adding a set of e-mail addresses to a list. Allow sharing within that Team. Consider sharing write access to a Variant within that team (is this possible)?

    This would allow for in-company sharing, plus also small WG sharing, and also sharing documents when we don't have EOL support for TB/WG etc.